Conceptualization, sketches, and adaptation of the manufacturing method: that is how design by definition evolves. We shift the sequence. We control the production process, and the final form is a result of the act of materialization. We call it Prozessdesign.

In FiDU we trust
We treat the FiDU manufacturing process developed and patented by Oscar Zięta as a foundation of our creation. We set our own rules and create visions for the future. In our work, what matters are interdisciplinarity and research. Through a synergy of technology with art and design, we deliver innovative forms to those who are equally fascinated by the material and its narrative.

Constant learning
The greatest value of process control is an act of constant development. We penetrate features of one material, which lets us maximize its potential within its anisotropic characteristics. Steel is the core of our research. We follow its plasticity, weight, durability, and refractive index. We translate specific features into parameters, which we optimize using the potential of new technologies.

Sustainable awareness
The use of metal is the key. It can be recycled practically indefinitely without losing its original properties and performance parameters. We enhance its characteristics working in the FiDU technology and with parametric design software. Both concepts contribute to optimization of the design and production process. Precise calculations allow us to maximize efficiency in metal usage and minimize waste.

Instinctive circularity
We have followed the principles of the circular economy instinctively for years, due to the process-based approach to designing and making products which is at the heart of the company’s operations. A properly designed process leads us to the effective use of materials, such as steel, copper, and aluminium. The light weight of the end product helps to reduce energy consumption during transport. The majority of Zieta Studio objects are made entirely of one material, meaning that a single delivery from the sheet metal producer to the studio is needed to create them, and they are ideal for recycling, according to the increasing popularity of monomaterial production.

Hypothetically, once our object has served its purpose, it can be fully recycled and returned to circulation in the form of a new piece of sheet metal, for example. Nonetheless, we have a strong belief that the collectible value, durability, and functionality of Zieta Studio objects will allow them to last for generations.