"Summer ticks by slowly at the gallery. The sun circles the garden and the display room in a wide arc, lazily flicking its long tongue. Oskar Dawicki sneaks through the shaded stretches of sidewalk to finally reach the gallery in the afternoon and retell his story. Edward Dwurnik listens to music and paints the pulsing beat of the waves. Alicja Pakosz sits in front of the wide-open window of her studio and catches the thick, warm air of the green courtyard, flowing lazily over the roofs of the low outbuildings. Nicolas Grospierre collects sunny pictures from his meadow in Suwałki. Emila Kina seeks shelter in the coolness of the darkroom. Przemek Matecki patiently leafs through magazines from last summer and carefully applies white paint to the field marked on the canvas. Olaf Brzeski sits with a sketchbook in the shade of a tall haystack and discreetly draws a portrait of a shy man. Oskar Zięta sets off on another cosmic journey. All the suns and their fruits ripen."
txt: Raster gallery
txt: Raster gallery

Mercury photo: Courtesy of Raster gallery